Elias Khoury
2004 - 2020
Elias was only 15 years old when the Beirut Blast gravely wounded him. He didn't make it past two weeks, devastating his family, friends, and classmates who have been relentlessly commemorating his memory.
Elias wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and become an architect. His other dream was to become a rapper.
Elias created an artist name A$hca$h, and his songs have made it to the Lebanese streaming platform Anghami.
Two Years have passed and no-one has been held accountable
#JusticeForEliasKhoury #JusticeForBeirut
Listen up.
Elias’ dream was to become a rap music producer. He had created two songs in collaboration with his friends, and sung them in his own voice. The second song was shared with Anghami by his friends after the explosion.
Elias's Family
Elias was the most loving young boy with a heart of pure gold. He was always sensitive, empathetic, and patient, even in his very early years. This kindness was rooted in his intelligence and wit, which enabled him to be more understanding of others and their feelings. He was the constant smile which kept our family close and made us feel warm and joyful. Our smile has been taken from us. He was an angel even before the explosion, walking the Earth, and this world has been robbed of our pure and innocent Elias who had so many ambitions, and so much hope, laughter, and life left.
Friends of Elias
Elias was our brother. He was funny, lighthearted, peaceful and caring. Elias loved life, had big dreams and wanted to be famous. He will deeply be missed but never be forgotten. He will always be present among us and we will always smile whenever we think of him.
Kristel - Elias' Teacher
Elias wasn’t just a student. He was MY student. He was calm by nature but his mind was constantly at work. He had a keen eye for texts, people and situations. He was a dreamer seeking refuge in his circle of friends, video games and music. Finally, who could forget Elias’s smile? His smile was worth a thousand words.
Who Killed Elias Khoury? - Daraj
The lyrical legacy of Elias El Khoury - The National News
For Beirut’s traumatized survivors, days of waking nightmares and nights of troubled dreams - The Washington Post
Friends Of Beirut Blast Victim Elias Khoury Honored Him During Their Graduation Ceremony - The961.com
What We Lost That Day - The New York Times
Mother Of 15-Year-Old Beirut Blast Victim Shared A Heartbreaking Message Amid The Official Exams - The961.com
“Your smile will always be the light of our lives”
- Friends of Elias Khoury